
Photos of Brady

Thursday, September 27, 2007


It has been a long time since I last posted, as I have been reminded often by many of you. I haven't been lazing around taking in the sights of late summer I can assure you. I have faced many challenges both personal and at work, which are much more settled than when I last wrote. In fact, a few of the biggest issues came to resolution just this week. Now, I can really take a step back and enjoy the beauty of summer's fading glory and the coming of the fall season in peace and with gratitude.

My country road is much the same, with the critters and cats still in residence. Chicky is the reigning outside kitty. She still loves to chase Napoleon, but he doesn't run from her as quickly. It seems to be a game they like to play when they want to. Many times I come home and they are both perched on the porch rail, surveying their domain, which is my front yard. After losing all of his glorious tail feathers, Napoleon's tail is beginning to grow back in. Next spring it should be in excess of 5 feet. The whole neighborhood now has bouquets of his beautiful eye feathers. He has become quite the mascot, but he still considers my tree his home base. Mom has become his mama, and spoils him terribly with sweet treats and bragging about his beautiful plumage. He really loves the attention, and preens just like his namesake when talked to.

Several weeks ago I had a run in with a skunk who had taken up residence in my garage. I knew he had to be in there, I just never could see him. Chicky was always hesitant when I wanted to lock her in the garage at night, and she always perched as high off the floor as she could. The skunk went through two pounds of cat food per day, the little bugger. Once I finally spotted him I called upon my son Jonathan's abilities to remove him from the premises. Since skunks are nocturnal animals it was a challenge to roust him from his hiding place during the day. After a full morning of trial and error, it came down to a silver bullet. The bad thing about that is I am afraid he left a parting gift that will last a long time. The whole neighborhood smells like skunk, and it still makes my eyes water to go into the garage. Chicky however is oblivious to the smell, and seems very happy just to have the whole incident behind her. I will be reminded of the whole ordeal for months to come.

On a sad note, Bob (my neighbor across the field) lost his youngest daughter Donna in a terrible and tragic car accident a month ago. She leaves a husband, three children, and one grandchild. It has been so sad, as I used to play with her and her two siblings on summer vacations when we came to visit my grandparents. Just a moment, and life is gone. The family is still grappling with their loss, which still seems so unbelievable. The lesson here is to always buckle your seat belt no matter how big a hurry you seem to be in, for she would have survived had she taken the time to buckle hers. I believe that there is a season for all things under heaven, and while we still miss her we will surely see her again.

Mom and I are still working to finish the settling of Dale's estate, prepare for the first Rocky memorial Strongman competition in two weeks, and find time for our chores and obligations. While we are busy, it gives me joy to behold the beauty of the coming autumn. The leaves are beginning to fall, pumpkins are beginning to show up in yard decorations, and the air has a crisp chill to it in the morning hours. Last night a gorgeous harvest moon graced the night sky and bathed the earth with silver moonbeams. Just as I was falling asleep I heard the first drops of a gentle rain that fell all during the night. I woke to dense fog and gray sky, and had the sudden urge to plant mums.

Earth is preparing for a long winter's sleep. It is both comforting and alarming to see nature slowing down and getting ready for rest. I long for crisp autumn days with a canopy of azure sky to get ready for the change of seasons. If I just had time to pick apples for an apple pie life would be perfect. I hope that in your corner of the world you also see the gentle turn of nature toward fall. As the leaves begin to change color and birds fly south I hope you have the time to behold the glory.

Until next time,
